Enjoyed meeting with @realDonaldTrump’s White House Al & Crypto Czar, @DavidSacks.
David is a business guy with the knowledge & expertise to create a framework that will protect free speech, end censorship & make America a leader in this space. pic.x.com/XbLYXR1G9Z
Big government has no business spying on Americans to control their personal finances & track their transactions.
It’s a massive overreach. Proud to join @SenTedCruz to intro the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to stand up against this invasive practice.
Xi and his thugs have no business playing big brother to American citizens and how they spend their money. That’s exactly why I am fighting to pass my Chinese CBDC Prohibition Act with @SenTedCruz and @MarshaBlackburn https://t.co/xqxbx1GoSX
Today, I wrote a letter to @SecYellen asking for answers on how the @USTreasury will protect American investors from widespread fraud in cryptocurrency investments: bit.ly/3bUbXTN