This bill is very pro-crypto.

Mike Carey
Republican Congressperson from Ohio, 15
Notable statements
H.J. Res 25
This bill is very pro-crypto.
voted for
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution
This bill is very pro-crypto.
voted for
CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act
This bill is somewhat pro-crypto.

Mike Carey

Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
Last month, the bill to overturn the IRS Crypto Broker Rule passed out of @WaysandMeansGOP.
The @WhiteHouse supports it.
This week @HouseGOP votes to finally cancel it

Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
The IRS “DeFi” rule burdens taxpayers with extra, unnecessary paperwork and limits the crypto industry’s ability to grow.
It’s misguided and needs to go.
I’m proud to help lead the effort to overturn it.…
Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
RT @WaysandMeansGOP: The Ways and Means Committee just passed H.J.Res. 25 – a resolution that repeals an unfair and unworkable cryptocurren…
Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
ICYMI: My bill to overturn the IRS’s burdensome cryptocurrency “Broker Rule” advanced out of the Ways and Means Committee yesterday.
This bill helps ensure that the US remains the global leader in the emerging crypto sector.
More from me here:

Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
America can be the new home for DeFi innovation.
The first step? Rolling back Biden administration IRS overreach.
Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
RT @RiponAdvance: .@RepMikeCarey recently opposed plans by the Internal Revenue Service to expand the Digital Assets Sale and Exchanges Rul…
Very pro-crypto

Mike Carey
We cannot allow CCP-style surveillance tools to spy on the financial transactions of law-abiding Americans.
A U.S. CBDC is a non-starter.
Somewhat pro-crypto

Mike Carey
This week, the House will vote to prevent CCP-style financial surveillance from happening here in the United States.
We must stand together to pass @GOPMajorityWhip's CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.
Somewhat pro-crypto

Mike Carey
CCP-style financial surveillance is un-American, full stop.
Proud to announce my co-sponsorship of @GOPMajorityWhip’s CBCD Anti-Surveillance State Act, which will prevent the Fed from issuing a CBDC directly to individuals.
Somewhat pro-crypto
Quoted from on Feb 20th, 2024
Representative questioned IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel about new rules regarding cryptocurrency and supported adjusting the proposed IRS cryptocurrency rules, which would require handling 8 billion returns. During questioning, he raised concerns about the IRS's readiness to process crypto tax statements and emphasized the necessity of revising the regulations to accommodate this substantial increase in workload.
Somewhat pro-crypto